I am very confused and feel difficult to be blogger.. It's about not only English but also Managing blog. I thought only English will be my problem when I decided to make google blog in English... I wrote some posts in English even if I'm not good at English. I can use dictionary and google to translate and sometimes my friend helped me.
What happened next was problems. After publishing posts, I edited contents and titles of posts a lot. A lot! and even changed posts order and post URL over a long period of time. The problem is that I didn't know how it is going to affect google search engine..
It was only when I tried googling to make sure my posts going to be found well that I knew how silly I was! They're pointing out OLD URL!!! Oh, my god,,, Sometimes I exchanged each posts.. I mean I've just exchanged titles and contents not post URL..to change order. It's too hard for me to explain in English, so I made this image..:) As below, I copied A post's contents and pasted to B post, and then I copied B post's contents and pasted to A post. Just only contents. But post URL didn't changed. 'A post' still have B's URL. I didn't know I can choose posting DATE...whew..
It may not be very big problem, but the fact is I found it by googling. I even don't know if that problem is big or not. If I hadn't found about my mistakes I could feel easy. From that moment, I started web surfing to find about Search Engine.... oh my god... too complicated. And I knew that I've made so many mistakes. I changed post URL long after post had been published. And I exchanged some post contents not post URL. Sometimes I made Duplicate contents for backup.
For a few days I've been considering how to resolve that. I don't know about SEO and I can't know. I'm just a person who have to do everything by myself. I can't afford to hire someone for do this... :( So, after little studying (?) about google, I decided to do something.
First, I fetched the new post.
Second, I used redirects..
and lastly, I made simple html for 'Page Not Found - 404” error'.
I don't know about HTML and googling well, and 'also' I'm not good at English. I just want to show my gorgeous unique silk to you. whew.. so I'm doing my best..
Anyway, although Blogging and English makes me crazy, I'll keep on posting!